Meet Your Wealth & Legacy Experts: Alexa Faithful

collaboration wealth and legacy summit Jul 02, 2020

We're keeping it rolling this week with your Wealth and Legacy experts! Today we're featuring Alexa Faithful aka @alexa_get_me_a_mortage [seriously, best social media handle.]

Alexa will be teaching you how to get approved for a mortgage.

Alexa has a passion for helping people achieve the American dream of homeownership. Her career started out with a multibillion-dollar Retail Lender, and she now works as an Independent Broker. She consistently goes above and beyond for her clients to ensure they reach the closing table with the best experience possible.

The Wealth & Legacy Summit is $5,000 worth of Masterclass Lessons for only $97 and available now until July 4th. When you sign up, you'll have access for one full year!

You don't want to miss this!


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