WCW: Erin Lowry of The Broke Millennial Blog
Jul 01, 2020There's two reasons I'm featuring Erin Lowry aka @brokemillennialblog today! First, she's among the nine experts I'm collaborating with on the Wealth and Legacy Summit. Second, I'll be featuring my woman crushes in personal finance every Wednesday in July!
Erin will be teaching you how to discuss the topic of money with your partner.
Erin is a two-time published author of the Broke Millennial book series with frequent appearances on CNBC, Yahoo Finance and CBS. She has written for The New York Times, USA Today, Fast Company and Cosmopolitan Magazine. Erin spent most of her childhood living in Asia, but is now settled in New York City with her husband and their rambunctious dog.
The Wealth & Legacy Summit is $5,000 worth of Masterclass Lessons for only $97 and available now until July 4th. When you sign up, you'll have access for one full year!
You don't want to miss this!
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