Pay off your debt, but first draw your best life

crush your money goals skillpop video Apr 23, 2020

Why do I keep this silly drawing on my refrigerator? It's because forcing myself to face my dreams EVERY DAY makes me want to turn them into a reality.

That's what I teach in my CRUSH YOUR MONEY GOALS class. Since the orders to stay at home, I've had over 120+ people from all over the country take my live class! I show the real steps I took to pay off $300K in three years and be at a point where debt is the last thing I'm worried about right now.

My students will tell you: this is not your average finance class. We're cracking jokes, we're drawing pictures and we're having authentic dialogue about where we can improve our money habits to THRIVE instead of survive.

If you're not afraid of a little accountability and a lot of fun, you can join me for my next live session on April 27th at 7PM EDT here:

And if you're a business or community leader who wants to bring this to your team from anywhere in the world, let's chat! Schedule a 15 minute exploratory call:

Ready to crush your money goals with Bernadette Joy as your personal CFO?

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