Meet Your Wealth & Legacy Experts: José Rafael Hernández
Jun 30, 2020
To continue introducing you to the Wealth and Legacy expert lineup, I would love to introduce to you José Rafael Hernández aka @themillennialmoneymentor!
José will be teaching you how to analyze financial statements of your favorite stocks.
José began his career with one of the top Investment Advisory firms in the country managing north of $20 million in assets. He decided to leave the firm after he was told not to create educational content on social media. He now specializes in teaching others everything he’s learned in the professional wealth management world, in much easier terms that anyone can apply.
The Wealth & Legacy Summit is $5,000 worth of Masterclass Lessons for only $97 and available now until July 4th. When you sign up, you'll have access for one full year!
You don't want to miss this!
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