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Hi 👋 I'm Bernadette Joy

I'm a first generation Filipina American who paid off $300,000 of debt and built my first $1M of net worth to retire early in my thirties.

Now I teach burned out professionals how to simplify their finances to reach financial freedom faster. Get my money expertise that's helped thousands of my students!

Get my free guide: 10 MONEY TOOLS YOU NEED RIGHT NOW with:

➡️5 money tools I use monthly to save and manage money
➡️5 money tools for investing and growing my income
➡️5 quick money reads to kick start your money goals
➡️5 books to change your life
➡️5 short money videos to save more
➡️5 podcast episodes with top FEMALE money experts you must hear

Even if you never take a class or work with me, I want to help you win!

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