Moving toward a “work optional” life
Aug 25, 2021
It’s Wednesday, so you know what that means! Yep! Another awesome woman in our #WCW spotlight. This week we are dishing about Lauren. She is a business coach and resides in Charlotte, NC with her husband and two daughters. She has known Bernadette for eight years and because they are both such bad asses, they have used each other’s services.
We have talked a lot about all the different roles Bernadette fills for her clients, Lauren brings a new one to the table—marriage counselor. Working with Bernadette has really helped put finances and goals in perspective for Lauren and her husband. “My husband and I have never been more on the same page. By walking through our net worth worksheet and goals together, we are now in lockstep with our plan for the future. You can’t put a price on that.” Time with Bernadette is full of unexpected benefits!
One big part of these shared goals is realizing there is such a thing as living a life where work is optional. WOW. That is a bold statement. “Bernadette has opened my eyes to the concept of true freedom. Not just more time or more money…but being “work optional.” She is walking that walk and making me realize it’s possible for me as well. Growing my team and creating passive income streams is now a priority so that I can have true 100 percent freedom in my life.”
“Bernadette has opened my eyes to the concept of true freedom. Not just more time or more money…but being “work optional.” She is walking that walk and making me realize it’s possible for me as well. Growing my team and creating passive income streams is now a priority so that I can have true 100 percent freedom in my life.”
Anyone who has participated in Bernadette’s Chief FIRE Officer program can attest to this. FIRE stands for Financial Independence Retire Early. Bernadette is living that dream and teaching others how to as well. What makes her approach so different is she is also very supportive of spending unapologetically (a pillar of her CRUSH program) on the things that make us happy. “What I love about Bernadette is that she isn’t all penny-pinching and budgeting. She helps you channel your resources to have a richer life, whatever that means to you. We’ve booked a ton of travel this fall and don’t feel one bit guilty about it!” As you can see, Lauren values experiences and Bernadette is helping her find a way to have those. A lot.
Bernadette and Lauren also share another passion—real estate. With Bernadette’s help Lauren is taking that love and making it a part of her future financial plans. “Aside from my business, my husband and I have a growing real estate portfolio. Bernadette dug into the details of our net worth and helped us see the long-term vision. She also ingrained into my brain that there will come a time where we’re not seeking/gathering investors for our deals…but we ARE the damn investors and people will be seeking US! That makes me super excited for the future.”
Speaking of rocking your side hustle, Lauren is hosting a workshop with that very goal in mind. If you are going to be in the Charlotte area September 9-10, the retreat is called Slay Your Side Hustle. It will take place at the bougie-ass Grand Bohemian Hotel and is going to be filled with gourmet food, champagne, swaggy gifts, pampering experiences…oh, and a super-robust playbook for launching + growing a side hustle, of course!
“My husband and I have never been more on the same page. By walking through our net worth worksheet and goals together, we are now in lockstep with our plan for the future. You can’t put a price on that.”
One thing I have been amazed by since I started working with Bernadette and have been writing about these incredible women is how fate has allowed so many bad asses to cross paths. Did I mention that Bernadette is also a match maker? She is like the Chuck Woolery of finances and strong women! It is truly reaffirming to see all the greatness going on around me. If you would like to find a little inspiration, check out some of the other #WCW blogs. If you want to join forces with all these amazing bad asses go to
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